Fixed Term Employment Contract
This Fixed Term Employment Contract is designed to be applicable to a variety of different jobs where the employee is taken on for a defined or fixed term.
This Fixed Term Employment Contract is designed to be applicable to a variety of different jobs where the employee is taken on for a defined or fixed term.
Employers must provide workers and employees with a written statement of their main terms and conditions of employment and this is often known as a Standard Form Section One Statement.
This Contract covers the requirements of a Standard Form Section One Statement. From 6 April 2020, there are new rules on what must be included in a written statement for new starters and pre-existing employees will be able to request a written statement that complies with the new rules. This contract complies with these requirements and must be provided to the employee or worker by day one of employment.
Fixed term employees have the same minimum rights as permanent workers and are protected by the Fixed-Term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002. Any clause or agreement which purports to waive rights regarding unfair dismissal or redundancy is void.
Please note that the Statutory Dispute Resolution Procedures still apply to dismissals due to the non-renewal of Fixed Term Employment Agreements since the ACAS Code of Practice does not apply to the non-renewal of Fixed Term Contracts.
This contract includes a clause which entitles the employer to end the fixed term contract early whilst avoiding a potential claim for damages equivalent to the pay and benefits the fixed term worker would have received up to the time the contract was due to terminate.
The Pensions Act 2014 introduced a new state pension for people reaching state pension age on or after 6 April 2016, replacing the previous basic state pension and additional state pension and ending contracting out for defined-benefit schemes. This employment contract has been updated accordingly with the removal of the clause referring to the contracting out certificate.
This Fixed Term Employment Contract contains the following clauses:
1. General
2. Duties and Job Title
3. Fixed Term
4. Date of Commencement / Date of Continuous Employment
5. Hours of Work
6. Place of Work
7. Work outside the UK
8. Remuneration and Benefits
9. Collective Agreements
10. Holidays
11. Other paid leave
12. Training
13. Sickness Absence
14. Maternity and Paternity Rights
15. Pension
16. Non-Compulsory Retirement
17. Mobility
18. Grievance Procedure
19. Disciplinary Procedure
20. Staff Handbook and Employment Policies
21. Confidential Information
22. Data Protection
23. Changes to Terms and Conditions of Employment
24. Severability
25. Governing Law
This Employment Contract does not contain Restraint of Trade or Restrictions on Employment or Intellectual Property clauses. For contract or agreement precedents containing these clauses, please see the Directors Employment Agreement or Senior/Management Employment Contract in the related document links below.
Clauses with optional and alternative phrases
Options and alternatives appear in blue font. The way in which this document is designed ensures that it will make sense with or without the optional clauses. Tailor this contract by removing all phrases and clauses which are not relevant to your business. Once you have finished, please remember to highlight the whole document and switch the font colour to black.
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Fixed Term Employment Contract
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Fixed Term Employment Contract
This Fixed Term Employment Contract is designed to be applicable to a variety of different jobs where the employee is taken on for a defined or fixed term.
Employers must provide workers and employees with a written statement of their main terms and conditions of employment and this is often known as a Standard Form Section One Statement.
This Contract covers the requirements of a Standard Form Section One Statement. From 6 April 2020, there are new rules on what must be included in a written statement for new starters and pre-existing employees will be able to request a written statement that complies with the new rules. This contract complies with these requirements and must be provided to the employee or worker by day one of employment.
Fixed term employees have the same minimum rights as permanent workers and are protected by the Fixed-Term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002. Any clause or agreement which purports to waive rights regarding unfair dismissal or redundancy is void.
Please note that the Statutory Dispute Resolution Procedures still apply to dismissals due to the non-renewal of Fixed Term Employment Agreements since the ACAS Code of Practice does not apply to the non-renewal of Fixed Term Contracts.
This contract includes a clause which entitles the employer to end the fixed term contract early whilst avoiding a potential claim for damages equivalent to the pay and benefits the fixed term worker would have received up to the time the contract was due to terminate.
The Pensions Act 2014 introduced a new state pension for people reaching state pension age on or after 6 April 2016, replacing the previous basic state pension and additional state pension and ending contracting out for defined-benefit schemes. This employment contract has been updated accordingly with the removal of the clause referring to the contracting out certificate.
This Fixed Term Employment Contract contains the following clauses:
1. General
2. Duties and Job Title
3. Fixed Term
4. Date of Commencement / Date of Continuous Employment
5. Hours of Work
6. Place of Work
7. Work outside the UK
8. Remuneration and Benefits
9. Collective Agreements
10. Holidays
11. Other paid leave
12. Training
13. Sickness Absence
14. Maternity and Paternity Rights
15. Pension
16. Non-Compulsory Retirement
17. Mobility
18. Grievance Procedure
19. Disciplinary Procedure
20. Staff Handbook and Employment Policies
21. Confidential Information
22. Data Protection
23. Changes to Terms and Conditions of Employment
24. Severability
25. Governing Law
This Employment Contract does not contain Restraint of Trade or Restrictions on Employment or Intellectual Property clauses. For contract or agreement precedents containing these clauses, please see the Directors Employment Agreement or Senior/Management Employment Contract in the related document links below.
Clauses with optional and alternative phrases
Options and alternatives appear in blue font. The way in which this document is designed ensures that it will make sense with or without the optional clauses. Tailor this contract by removing all phrases and clauses which are not relevant to your business. Once you have finished, please remember to highlight the whole document and switch the font colour to black.
Once you have subscribed to the appropriate document folder click on the “Download Document” button below. You will be asked what you want to do with the file. It is recommended that you save the document to a location of your choice prior to viewing.
This Fixed Term Employment Contract is designed to be applicable to a variety of different jobs where the employee is taken on for a defined or fixed term.

1 Document
Fixed Term Employment Contract
Text document
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