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Open uri20210716 13730 3hwifw?1626429899
Lawyer 365
2 years ago
Covid restrictions: The people who still have to live under the rules even after all laws scrapped in England The Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced earlier this week that all remaining Covid restrictions in England will be lifted by the end of the month as part of plans to start living with the virus . Self-isolation rules will be scrapped by the end of February even for people who test positive for Covid, while testing sites will gradually be wound down across the country. But there will likely be some parts of society that continue to implement Covid restrictions such as face masks, social distancing and self-isolation measures well into the future. The freshest exclusives and sharpest analysis, curated for your inbox Enter your email It comes as health chiefs accused Boris Johnson of irresponsible politics , warning that coronavirus cases, hospital admissions and deaths remain high. Tim Spector, professor of epidemiology at King s College London and head of the Zoe Covid study app, said on Friday that he was surprised and shocked  by the decision to scrap restrictions given the high prevalence of the Omicron variant in the UK. Britain recorded a further 66,638 Covid cases on Friday, alongside 1,308 hospital admissions and 206 coronavirus-related deaths. Here are the areas of society that may decide to keep further Covid restrictions until the spread of Omicron eases across the country: Prisons Stringent Covid measures have been in place across prisons in England and Wales since June 2020 to prevent outbreaks among staff and inmates. The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has said the tough Covid framework is in part to ensure security across prisons, as the prospect of large proportions of inmates contracting the virus could heighten the risk of disorder, violence, suicide, self-harm and escape . An MoJ spokesperson told i the department is currently in discussions over whether to extend Covid rules even after they are lifted for the rest of the country, but that this will likely be decided on a prison-by-prison basis according to the discretion of each governor. The 117 prisons in England and Wales are currently graded according to five levels of Covid infection  Complete Lockdown, Lockdown, Restrict, Reduce and Prepare. In all five levels, staff and inmates are required to social distance and wear PPE to prevent the spread of Covid, while all confirmed cases are forced to self-isolate. Wayne Couzens, the Metropolitan Police Service officer who kidnapped, raped and murdered Sarah Everard last year, is currently in isolation after falling seriously ill with Covid in HMP Frankland prison in County Durham. Prisons are placed in Complete Lockdown if an active outbreak is not contained by level four Lockdown measures, and the focus of the prison shifts to the preservation of life . This means inmates  social contact and time out of their cell are limited, they are not allowed time in the open air, and all meals are served at their cell door. The MoJ said in a statement last August that despite the inherently closed nature of the prison estate we have successfully avoided the reasonable worst-case scenario of explosive outbreaks and far higher fatality rates . However, justice campaigners have warned that strict Covid restrictions during the pandemic have caused significant mental distress  among prisoners. It comes after figures released last month showed that prisons in England and Wales recorded their highest ever number of deaths last year at 371, following a 28 per cent rise in suicides. Care homes Restrictions on care homes in England and Wales were eased last month as Plan B measures were lifted, allowing residents to have unlimited visitors for the first time this year. The move also saw outbreak management rules relaxed, meaning care homes must now implement tough measures for 14 days following a positive Covid case, rather than 28. Care home staff will also be asked to start using lateral flow tests before their shifts from 16 February, instead of weekly PCR tests. Care Minister Gillian Keegan said it was thanks to the continued success of the vaccine rollout  that restrictions across care homes could be eased, with the latest figures showing that around 87 per cent of care home residents have now had a booster vaccine. However, it is unlikely that the above rules will be entirely relaxed under Mr Johnson s Living with Covid  strategy due to be published later this month. Face masks are still mandatory across certain health care settings in England and Wales, including GPs, ICU wards and care homes, and the Government faces pressure to keep the measure in place until Covid cases fall further. National Care Association chair Nadra Ahmed said last month that the situation would need to be considered carefully  by independent providers, adding: I think there will be face masks and PPE in care homes for several more months.  NHS Face masks are currently still required among patients, staff and visitors across certain healthcare settings including GP practices and hospitals. NHS England confirmed last month that the UK Health Security Agency s infection prevention and control (IPC) guidance would remain in place indefinitely despite mask requirements being dropped elsewhere. NHS England is yet to comment on whether this will remain the case even after restrictions are dropped across the rest of society later this month. However, it is likely that regulations such as face masks and social distancing will remain in place in vulnerable settings as long as Covid infections remain high across the country. Professor Peter Openshaw, a Government scientific adviser, said on Friday that it would be wholly wrong  to view the pandemic as in any way over . He told the BBC: We don t know what s around the corner, there could be another variant, perhaps based on Delta or something else with higher pathogenicity, which could come back to bite us any time, and I m pretty sure that next winter we re going to see it back.  Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) The Prime Minister s announcement earlier this week that all Covid restrictions will be dropped by the end of the month sparked outrage among the clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) community. Lara Wong, spokesperson for Clinically Vulnerable Families, told i the move was devastating  to the 3.7 million people in England classed as CEV, warning that it could cost millions of people to lose their jobs. Our job opportunities are considerably reduced, and consequently more and more families are starting to lose their homes,  she said. The CEV community has long complained of being forgotten in Government announcements trumpeting the relaxation of restrictions. While Plan B measures were dropped for the majority of people in England last month, CEV people have been told to continue following strict Covid guidance set out in December, i revealed last month. Those include working from home where possible, asking visitors to wear facemasks and take lateral flow tests, ventilating their homes, washing their hands regularly, practicing social distancing and avoiding crowded enclosed spaces. i understands this guidance will remain in place for CEV people beyond the end of the month, when all remaining restrictions will be scrapped for the rest of the country. Baroness Brinton, a Liberal Democrat peer who herself is classed as CEV, said that she does not expect the Prime Minister to make a formal statement announcing that this is the case, nor does she anticipate that the Government s Living with Covid  strategy will make any mention of the 3.7m CEV people in England. But I hope they will reconsider because with the number of daily Covid cases at the moment it is clear that CEV people need to be helped to manage the risk. At the moment they are not getting any proper guidance,  she said. CEV people make up one in 20 in the population  that s a lot of people who have to go to offices and cannot work from home. Those people are losing their jobs. 
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Open uri20210716 13730 3hwifw?1626429899
Lawyer 365
2 years ago
Crown court hearings should be conducted remotely where it is lawful and in the interests of justice to do so , the lord chief justice has recommended in guidance which has been welcomed by the criminal bar. Lord Burnett said hearings including mentions, bail applications, applications to extend custody time limits, uncontested applications under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and hearings involving legal argument only will generally be suitable for remote attendance by all advocates . The guidance, issued yesterday, states that any hearing which a defendant is required to attend in person will normally require the defence advocate also to be physically present at court . Hearings where a witness is to give evidence, whether in person or remotely, will normally require the advocates who are to examine or cross-examine that witness to be present in court & unless the court otherwise orders , the guidance says. Lord Burnett Lord Burnett: Crown court hearings should be remote where it is lawful and in the interests of justice to do so  Source: Alamy Plea and trial preparation hearings will also normally require the attendance in person of advocates for both prosecution and defence , unless the court is satisfied there has been effective engagement  between prosecution and defence, the defendant has been given appropriate advice on their plea and all relevant preparations have been completed in advance . Sentencing hearings will require consideration on a case-by-case basis , with the seriousness of the charge, the intention of victims or their families to attend, the amount of public interest and many other factors  to be taken into account when deciding whether advocates can attend remotely. This national guidance is not a prescriptive practice direction but intended simply to assist in promoting consistency and predictability of approach to the question of remote attendance in the Crown court, whilst recognising the need for flexibility in the individual case and to suit local conditions,  Burnett said. Michelle Heeley QC, leader of the western circuit, welcomed the guidance, as did criminal barrister Mark George QC, who said: There are lots of short Crown court hearings which can and should continue to be dealt with remotely.  Justice minister James Cartlidge said: I welcome, as I am sure stakeholders across the criminal justice system also will, the guidance issued today by the lord chief justice which aims to promote consistency and predictability of approach to remote attendance at hearings. 
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Open uri20210716 13730 3hwifw?1626429899
Lawyer 365
2 years ago
Priti Patel will scrap Britain s so-called golden visa scheme within days in a bid to halt the flow of Russian dirty money  into the UK. The Tier 1 investor visa gives rich foreigners who are willing to bring millions of pounds to Britain a fast-track to settlement in the UK. The home secretary has decided to close the route because of long-standing concerns  over abuse of the scheme by criminal groups and the super-rich from several countries, including Russia, China and Kazakhstan. The decision comes amid increased scrutiny of Britain s visa rules and fears that they are allowing London to become flooded with money and assets linked to President Putin. hen asked whether the Government is planning to scrap the scheme on the BBC s Today Programme, he said: Changes were made to that in 2015 and 2019 to make sure that the checks were ever more stringent. But, absolutely, as we enter into what could be a generation or longer of quite acute competition with Russia, all of the things that have become normal in anglo-Russian relations over the last 30 years will be up for review. That s, I think, what the Home Secretary and her team are looking at at the moment.  Under the current 'golden visa' rules, the Tier 1 scheme lets wealthy investors apply for UK residency within five years if they invest
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D8d87a61 2ae7 4075 bd6a 3d706fe8b158
Alec Hancock
2 years ago
I travelled to Cardiff County Court yesterday by train for an in person hearing. Most of my hearings over the past year have been online or by telephone. It was good to be physically in Court for a change. I appear on behalf of many other firms regularly because increases my experience and knowledge.
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2 years ago
Warm welcome to our new Family lawyer Bianca! Bianca is a Romanian-born national, and she speaks fluent Romanian and can take instructions in this language. Bianca prides herself on her interpersonal and adaptable skills as she has moved around the world and gained insights into different types of cultures. At the age of 12, she relocated to the island of Cyprus, and at the age of 17, she commenced law school and finished her LLB with Honours in Aberdeen, Scotland. Bianca commenced her legal career in a small boutique law firm in Romania, before coming back to the UK where she expanded on her legal knowledge and experience by working at a reputable law firm in Luton.
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Lawyer 365
2 years ago
Suezanne King has successfully applied her knowledge and expertise to help many individuals going through the difficulties of divorce, child arrangement, domestic violence and separation. She is a Family law expert and also part of the Oxfordshire Resolution Committee for family law. Suezanne King trained in London and practiced in London for over 6 years before moving to Oxford to start her own firm, SMQ Legal. SMQ Legal are in the process of expanding the firm and pride themselves on offering an excellent standard of client care. As a firm, they are a big believer in community support and offer a free initial consultation for any new legal matter. SMQ Legal have legal aid contracts for both Family If you have a legal matter, you need to speak with Suezanne. Suezanne believes every client deserves her full attention in every case. It is important to her to make sure every client is well-informed on the legal issues they are facing and the legal options available to them. Whether the situation requires negotiations or representation in court, Suezanne is dedicated to a cost-effective approach to resolution while making sure the client receives quality representation. She is extensively involved in the community, and is often available around the clock including evenings and weekends. Areas where Suezanne can help in Family law: -Children -Financial and Property Disputes -Domestic Violence -Alternatives to Court -Injunctions -Care proceedings -Adoption proceedings Book a consultation on Lawyer 365
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Lawyer 365
2 years ago
The recently commissioned new research will take a wide-ranging look into what gaps in legal provision may exist across England and Wales, and what impact this might have on different groups of consumers. Importantly, the research will include an in-depth examination of how factors such as ethnicity and socioeconomic status impact access to legal services. Being able to access legal services shouldn't be difficult - just like it isn't difficult to access health services or financial services. We're now seeing a huge shift, on a global scale, where professional services are available to the end consumer, on-demand, via smartphone for example Lawyer 365 so we re excited to see the findings from this research from the SRA. Read the full article here:
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D8d87a61 2ae7 4075 bd6a 3d706fe8b158
Alec Hancock
2 years ago
I had an enquiry today from a client on a clinical negligence matter which is not something I practice in. That didn t stop me from taking instructions and liaising with one of the law firms I consult for. I am always happy to assist where possible
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D8d87a61 2ae7 4075 bd6a 3d706fe8b158
Alec Hancock
2 years ago
One of the most common defence a supermarket will rely on to defend a personal injury claim is relying on the concept of clean as you go . The supermarkets treat the policy like it is gold dust but there is an inherent weakness. I act on a no win, no fee  basis and I am happy to consider any enquiry with no obligation
Photo 0 2022 02 08 21 09 43
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Lawyer 365
2 years ago
Free Initial Advice on Lawyer 365 app Lawyer 365 have a panel of expert solicitors in London, Toronto, Leicester, Birmingham and Manchester and we can provide fast, friendly and free initial advice through our app . Download the Lawyer 365 app from the App Store and ask any legal questions concerning you. Lawyers are ready to help you 24/7 - in addition, our AI Legal Assistant (AILA) provides free information 24/7 - it s always on, waiting to help you! Just download the app and see for yourself.
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D8d87a61 2ae7 4075 bd6a 3d706fe8b158
Alec Hancock
2 years ago
I have conduct many hearings over the past 12 months. Interim hearings, Applications, small claim and fast track trials. I am going for my first 'in person' hearing on Monday at Truro County Court and then I have two Road Traffic Accidents in Exeter the following week. I represent both my clients and clients of other firms in Court.
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Open uri20210716 13730 3hwifw?1626429899
Lawyer 365
2 years ago
Today, we are happy to feature one of our favourite lawyers on Lawyer 365, Penny Raby, a family law expert from Penny Raby & Co based in Pershore. Penny has practised as a Family Lawyer since 1980, she was a partner with Armitage Sykes & Hinchcliffe in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, until 1994, when she moved back to her native Midlands. Penny Raby & Co. was set up in 1995 in Pershore, Worcestershire. The niche practice serves local, national, and international clients, representing parties from Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, and the West Country, to all other parts of England & Wales, to Europe via Spain, France, Germany, and Italy, and as far afield as Pittsburgh, Cairo, and Singapore! Penny and Mike are a unique lawyer/accountant combination with considerable experience in dealing with family matters. The firm specialises in providing advice and representation: Divorce, Separation, Related family issues including children Contested wills in cases in the courts of England and Wales Disputes involving complex business interests and foreign or ex-patriate elements. Their combined talents offer clients the best chance of reaching fair out of court settlements, and meticulous preparation for contested hearings. The niche practice serves local, national, and international clients, representing parties from Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, and the West Country, to all other parts of England & Wales, to Europe via Spain, France, Germany, and Italy, and as far afield as Pittsburgh, Cairo, and Singapore! Penny is a true expert in her field of Family law and has appeared on television and radio on behalf of local and national Law Societies in Yorkshire and Worcestershire. She was the first Lady President of Worcestershire Law Society in 1995/96, and served a second term as President in 2003/04. She is currently Chair of the National Sole Practitioners' Group for solicitors. She is a member of Resolution, the national family Lawyers  Association, and has served as President of the West Yorkshire and Worcestershire committees. In 2004, Penny Raby & Co. was one of the first sole practitioner firms to be awarded Lexcel, the Law Society Quality standard, and retained with merit every year since emphasising the firm s commitment to the highest standards of client care and service. And the firm was delighted to be awarded the inaugural Worcestershire Law Society award for Best Family Firm of the Year 2014. Quite an achievement for a small firm! Penny enjoys reading and country walking and is a Church Warden at St. Mary s Wick. She also enjoys performing the mini pantomime (Snow White & The Seven Small Business People .. and variations thereupon!) she devised with Mike Gordon, which they have toured internationally, for networking, charity and family occasions. "Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on Friday and for speaking to Fiona on our behalf. I really appreciated all your help and advice" Penny and Mike. Can I take this moment to say thank you to you and your staff for the kind professional manner in dealing with my difficult situation. I will recommend you whole heartedly to anyone that would need your assistance.  "Dear Penny, Just a note to say a huge thanks for all your hard work in getting me through the divorce and ongoing case with the children and their father. I have really appreciated all the times you have supported me and would have no hesitation in recommending you and your services" FAMILY LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR This category considered the nominations and supporting statements of firms in Worcestershire, specifically focusing on their family law departments. Mfg Solicitors, Painters and Penny Raby & Co presented the judges with a conundrum trying to figure the winner in this category. Our worthy winner with a national and international reputation, due to expertise in expatriate divorce, their innovation, interdisciplinary working and multifaceted practice is & Penny Raby & Co. JUDGES COMMENTS Established in 1995 as the first niche or boutique  family law practice in Worcestershire, Penny and her forensic accountant husband Mike Gordon created a flarepath by way of being an innovative multi-disciplinary practice with multiple strands. They present a cluster of focussed services ranging from the conventional family law practice then a style of mediation via Divorce Deals through to their unique relationship repair and renewal service via Marriage Makeover. If you're looking for one of the best family lawyers in the country, speak to Penny Raby for a detailed consultation. Her 1 hour consultation will give you an insight as to how easily she can navigate your family law/divorce related matter and provide you a bespoke solution. Book with her on Lawyer 365 for a virtual consultation.
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Lawyer 365
2 years ago
Today, we are delighted to feature one of our favourite lawyers on the Lawyer 365 app, Rafique D Patel LLB Honours LLM (Masters) from Bond Adams LLP Solicitors - Award winning full service law firm with offices in Leicester and Birmingham. Rafique is the Senior Partner of Bond Adams - a nationwide award winning law firm, with a wealth of experience in Dispute Resolution (Civil Litigation). He qualified as a solicitor in 1996 following graduation from the University of Hull in 1993 and completion of the Legal Practice Course at the College of Law in Chester in 1994. He also has an LLM (Masters) in Management of Advanced Litigation and Dispute Resolution from Nottingham Trent University in 2007. Rafique is a specialist litigator and regulatory lawyer, his experience is leading as a Partner and Head of Regulatory at 450 staff law firm Harvey Ingram Owston (now Shakespeare Martineau). Rafique also acts in associated matters across corporate and commercial transactions. If you have a problem, you need Rafique Patel in your corner. He has handled some notable litigation cases including: - Multi million pound contract disputes - Construction disputes - Trade mark and Copyright - Patent disputes - Director disputes - Shareholder and Partnership disputes Download the Lawyer 365 app : Consult Rafique Patel:
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D8d87a61 2ae7 4075 bd6a 3d706fe8b158
Alec Hancock
3 years ago
Sadly many big personal Injury solicitor firms are going into administration. Your case maybe transferred to a firm that you didn t choose but did you know you have the right to choose your legal representative? I am always happy to consider your case on a no win, no fee
Photo 0 2022 01 25 22 27 50
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Lawyer 365
3 years ago
Seeing a lawyer on Lawyer 365 app is just like seeing a traditional solicitor, but much more comfortable and convenient. The app offers free initial legal advice consultations on criminal law, immigration law, family law, business law, employment law, intellectual property law, wills and probate, property and conveyancing, contract disputes and personally injury.
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Open uri20210716 13730 3hwifw?1626429899
Lawyer 365
3 years ago
Warm welcome to Kelly Gatehouse - specialist Wills and Probate Lawyer from Brisbane based law firm Nurture Law. Kelly is a specialist in helping individuals with creating and amending Wills, helping with disputed wills and managing trusts on behalf of families. She is available to speak on Lawyer 365 app. Check out her profile
Photo 0 2022 01 16 17 16 24
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Lawyer 365
3 years ago
When you need to find a lawyer, our app provides you with access to pre screened lawyers through a quick and painless process. Immediately after you you sign up, you are given a choice of lawyers that match the geographic location and legal practice area you specify. Within seconds, you can book a consultation on our app and you will be connected to a leading lawyer. Through a video consultation, your case can be reviewed and evaluated. You can choose from a 15 min consultation up to 1 hour consultation based on your specific requirements.
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Lawyer 365
3 years ago
Starting salaries rise as companies focus on attracting new talent in a post pandemic world making the job market become a candidate's market. A professional recruitment firm says it is placing graduate lawyers at top firms on starting salaries as high as
Photo 0 2022 01 13 11 18 25
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Lawyer 365
3 years ago
Are you an employer or HR professional looking for some advice for your business? Lawyer 365 employment solicitors can help you: Get instant employment law advice by booking a virtual consultation Help you create and review important contracts, handbooks, systems and policies. Become highly compliant, by ensuring the correct documentation is in place Enjoy access to the leading minds of solicitors in employment law and specifically experienced lawyers in your industry. Book a consultation on Lawyer 365 app and see how we can help you
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Lawyer 365
3 years ago
If you're in need of advice, help or support, find a local legal expert in your area and start speaking to them in minutes. Or book an appointment with them any day and any time. Lawyer 365 has some of the best lawyers in the UK - Simply connect with a lawyer and get started. 1 hour consultations start from only
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